Shimun is an Innu artist from Pessamit who has developed his own style of gypsy and blues music, with touches inspired by flamenco and reggae. Influenced by none other than the masters of this style, the Gipsy Kings, Shimun is a self-taught artist who embarked on this very particular style of guitar playing. His modus operandi: good vibes. His music makes you want to escape, let yourself go, and enjoy the sun under a summer palm tree, with your feet in the sand. By telling stories that resemble him, the audience can immediately recognize themselves in his songs, feel challenged and experience positive emotions. Shimun highlights his Innu culture by integrating traditional Innu rhythms and vocal performances into his works. Singing in Innu-aimun, he makes sure to preserve and promote his culture. His first song, recorded with the Musique Nomade team on a stopover in Pessamit, Mashtel peik nikamun (one last song), is the story of a young and hopeful love.