ILINNUT - a prayer

Release Date

Ilinnut qaivunga nalugama

Ilinnut uqaagama tusaavingnga


Asiulirquurama, nalulitsiarama

Ilinnut tutsiaqunga kappiasugama

Ilinnut tunivunga Ataniraa


Asiqannginavit, atjiqannginavit

Asiqannginavit, atjiqannginavit


Ilinnut manivunga Guutiga

Uqumaigijakka qaitakka Jiisusigaa


English translation

To You, I come for I don’t know what to do

To You, I’m talking to, can you hear me?


I think I’m lost, I really don’t know what to do

To You, I pray because I’m afraid

To You, I give myself, my Lord


There is none like You, You have no match

There is none like You, You have no match


To You I surrender, my God

My burdens I give to you, my Jesus