Acclaimed “Inuindie” pop star Beatrice Deer is a Montreal-based singer- songwriter. Half-Inuk and half-Kanien'kehá ka, she was born and raised in Nunavik, Quebec, in the small village of Quaqtaq. Her songs are based on personal lyrics that blend indie rock and modern folk with traditional Inuit tales and throat singing. Recipient of a 2021 Prism Prize and an Apple Music Ambassador, Beatrice Deer sings in three languages: Inuktitut, English, and French. Her sixth studio album SHIFTING explores the process of getting closer to the place where we’re meant to be in life. “Emotionally, spiritually, and physically, the transition towards our authentic selves continues,” she says. “As I shift into the position where I’m meant to be, I want to keep using what I’ve learned to help others.” A role model for her community and a mental health advocate, Deer feels strongly that each of us, no matter what we’ve been through, has the ability to transform our outlook.