Max Rich is an Innu singer-songwriter from the Labrador community of Sheshatshiu, now living in Ekuanitshit, on Quebec's North Shore. Max Rich began his musical career in the 1990s, performing at the Mamit Innu Nikamu Festival in Unamen-shipu with the rock band Tapentamun. He founded his first band, Innu-Kushpun, and performed at numerous festivals in native communities, including Innu Iatun and Innu Nikamu. In November 2023, accompanied by his son Tshakapesh Mestokosho Rich, and his friend Julien Blacksmith from the Mistassini community, he recorded two new folk-rock songs with the Musique Nomade team in Ekuanitshit: Tassinan, meaning territory in Innu-aimun, and Sheshatshit, meaning the end of the long river, a song dedicated to his childhood friend.