Malcolm Riverin is an artist from the North Shore community of Pessamit, exploring a variety of styles, including pop, hip-hop, soul and alternative. As a youngster, he listened to Ntetemuk community radio and was entranced by the variety of music he heard. Self-taught, he quickly learned to marry and integrate this vast array of genres, from pop and country to rap and rock. But what he loves most of all is the manipulation of sound. Through beatmaking and production, he is working to create three new pieces, recorded with Musique Nomade in the spring of 2024 on a stopover in Pessamit: Midnight, Waiting and Underwater, which will be released under a first mini-ep FACES. The mini-album explores alternative pop, soul and hip-hop, in English, French and Innu-aimun, and takes us on a journey through all the possibilities.